Bound by a common and specific set of values and approaches to Peace, the Union addresses a network of 350 Laureates of 20 years of UPA-University of Peace in Africa, different professions, young and old, men and women, of all religions from 30 countries in Africa, currently engaged in community peacebuilding, civic mediation, social healing, peace research, and informing government policies on promotion and consolidation of Peace and social cohesion.
* * * * * * * * * * *BREAKING NEWS* * * * * * * * * *
AFRICAN UNION, PAX CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL and the Union host the speical 2023 event of
Celebrating 20 years of University of Peace in Africa, UPA 2003-2023
at anniversary celebration in Centre des Jeunes Kamenge
(03.11.2023, Big Voice Production, Burundi)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Pan African Union of Peace Builders (PAUPB) is an international apolitical, non-profit, non-governmental network of individual Peace activists and institutional Peace organisations committed to
> develop synergy between Peace builders in Africa and build competence of Peace at individuals and organisations > prevente, manage and transform conflicts in a constructive way and by non-violent approaches in all spheres of social, cultural, economic and political life > lobby for inclusive non-violent conflict interventions ("positive peace") as alternative to violent and static military forces ("negative peace") > suggest and promote socio-political scenarios within the campain RETHINKING AFRICAN SECURITY (RAS) |
PAUPB is guided by its CHARTA founded in OUAGADOUGOU, July 2017, during the 12th Pan-African session of the University of Peace in Africa (UPA):
PAUPB is managed by a moderating and facilitating BOARD Committee, called CAA-Cercle of Animation and Administration, operating with a set of tools from sociocratic, decentralized, self-regulated approaches. See UPABP-STRUCTURE.
CAA-Board Committee is structured in 4 task groups (sub-cercles)
> TO BE (Etre): Vision, Mission, Mentality of PAUPB, Training/Capacity building, Documentation
> TO DO (Faire): Conflict analysis, Peace intervention, Dialogue, Synergie, Spreading-out
> TO HAVE (Avoir): Finances, Archives
> TO SHARE (Partager): Communication, best practice learning, link with others
Ouagadougou, July 2017
Workshop on UPABP creation by UPA Laureates from Burkina
Faso, Cameroon, Central African Repubilic, Congo(Brazza),
Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Germany and Belgium
the UPA Laureat
from all Campus
since 2003,
please feel invited
to become our member
Join us at the
UPABP Secretariat
based in Bafoussam,
Cameroon facilitated
by CIPCRE (internat.)
INOVAR (clic here)
= Intervention NOn-
Violente Active et
Rapide (en Afrique)
Teams of panafrican Peace Builders join local activities in direct intervention for several months at selected communities: deses-calation, conflict mana-gement, mediation.
2010/11 Burundi,DRC
2014/16 CAR/Cam
2016/22 RCA